Resources for Communication Problems

Friday, February 15, 2008



語聽二 9580018 王珮馨 負責頁數: p307第四段~p311第一段

It is tempting to explain the patient’s responses to verbal instructions by extralinguistic means. Perhaps he is merely responding to visual cues given by the examiner and has, in fact, not learned to understand English! Could children with his type of abnormality develop perceptual skills such as were observed in von Osten’s famous horse, der kluge Hans, who supposedly could stamp his hoof in response to questions posed to him in German, but who, upon close examination by the psychologist Pfungst, had merely learned to observe the questioner, picking up minute motor cues related to posture and respiratory patterns which signals to him whether to stop or to continue to stamp his hoof? There is direct evidence against this hypothesis. The child described can react to tape-record instructions in the absence of any observer. Further, his response do not consist merely of nodding but also of doing things which could not easily be conveyed by inadvertent motor cues. In the film which documents the case, it is clear that the child frequently follows commands without looking at the examiner. Only three time (out of 45 responses) was there vacillation between correct and incorrect answers, and the last answer in each case is correct. On the other hand, there was no hesitation in the three instances when incorrect answers were given. There is no reason to assume that this child has a horse’s ability to respond to visual cues instead of assuming that he has he has learned what every other child of his age has learned-to understand English. Table 7.3 summarizes the child’s performance. It is the result of a panel of three judges who scrutinized the film, viewing each command and its execution individually with as many repetitions as were necessary in order to determine, by unanimous agreement, whether there was any likelihood of extralinguistic cuing.

這是要嘗試解釋病人藉由非語言方法對於言辭指令的回應。或許他幾乎是靠著檢查者給的眼神線索來回答,事實上,並非是經過學習去了解英文!是否小孩有不正常發展知覺技巧的形式可以像von Osten有名的馬der kluge Hans一樣可以被觀察,這隻馬被推測可以回答德文問題當他有跺他的蹄這個姿勢,但是心理學家Pfungst有更警慎的實驗,他僅僅學習去觀察提問者,整理出和微小的姿勢、呼吸方式有關的動作線索,這個訊號對於這隻馬是讓它停止或持續跺他的蹄?這裡有直接證據反對這個假說。在任何的觀察者無相反證據下小孩被描述可以對於卡帶錄音的指令可以做出反應。進一步,他的反應不只包括微小的點頭也包括做一件不容易被不注意的動作線索所傳達的事。這個影片為這個實例做證據,很明顯的小孩通常遵循指令時沒有看實驗者。在45個答覆當中只有三次是猶豫於正確和不正確的答案之間,而在每個個案最後的答案是正確的。相反地,在這三個例子中當回答是錯誤的答案時並沒有猶豫。沒有一個理由假定小孩有馬的能力去對於視覺線索作反應取而代之假定小孩學習其他每個小孩在什麼歲數時需要了解英文。表7.3總括小孩的表現。將這個在影片被細看的一組調查對象的結果以三個標準分為三組,檢視每個命令和個別的執行與許多重複和必要為了由一致同意的協議確定,是否有任何可能非語言的暗示。

(TABLE 7.3)

7.3 實驗對象的正確、猶豫不決和錯誤回答的數量 





































Might it not be possible that this patient had nosy understanding of syntactic connections but merely responded to key words in the commands and questions? This possibility is extremely unlikely in the face of his understanding of such sentences as “Take the block and put it on the bottle.” “Is it time to eat breakfast now?” “Was the black cat fed by the nice lady?”



Congenital anarthria, as reported here, is a rare condition, but the case is by no mean unique, and the discrepancy between speech skills and the capacity for understanding may, indeed, be observed in every child. The theoretical importance of the extreme dissociation between perceptive and productive ability lies in the demonstration that the particular ability which we may properly call “having knowledge of a language” is no identical with speaking. Since knowledge of a language may be established in the absence of speaking skills, the former must be prior, and in a sense, simper than the latter. Speaking appears to require additional capacities, but these are accessory rather than criterial for language development.



(The Acquisition of Language in a Speechless Child .16-millimeter sound film. Running time is 18 minutes, distributed by Psychological Cinema Register. Pennsylvania State University.)



(2) Language Development in Mongoloid Children

There are several different causes for mental retardation, and each disease has its typical manifestations. Nevertheless, the development bf language, insofar as it occurs at all in these patients, follows some general laws of evolvement which may be traced among all of these conditions and which, indeed, are not different in nature from the unfolding if language in healthy children. Among the retarded the entire developmental process is merely slowed down or stretched out during childhood and is regularly arrested during the early teens. This affords the opportunity to study language development in slow motion, and the developmental arrest at puberty produces “frozen” primitive stages which are inalterable at that age by further training.



The study of children with mongolism offers certain advantages for research. The condition may be spotted at birth. Victims have a relatively good chance for reaching middle age. The condition is common. The patient population is relatively homogeneous, and a large number of patients are taken care of at home, and grow up in a normal social environment.


It is thought that mongoloid stigmata are manifestations of slowed or incomplete embryological development, apparently due to a chromosomal, intracellular disorder. In the process of postnatal maturation some but not all of the signs of immaturity disappear. With increasing age, structure, physiology, and behavior tend toward the norm, but all developmental facets progress at markedly slowed rates. In some areas, development is arrested at a level corresponding to three or four-year-old children in the normal population, whereas in other areas development continues to stages comparable to adolescence.



A large proportion of mongoloids pass their motor milestones with only mild delay, and menarche and secondary sexual characteristics appear in the midteens. Yet these individuals may never learn to make any social discriminations, write more than a few words, or to change money. The order in which developmental tasks are mastered is disarranged by differential slowing; those tasks which depend on common sense seem to suffer most.


Lenneberg, Nichols, and Rosenberger(1964)studied, over a three-year period, sixty-one mongoloid children who were all raised by their own parents and were living at home. The children were examined periodically, the frequency of the visits differing in accordance with the patient’s stage of development. Data consisted of medical history, neurological examination, psychological testing, tape recording of spontaneous utterances made while playing performance on an articulation test and a sentence-repetition test; and assessments of vocabulary, understanding of commands, and nature of vocalization.


(FIG 7.10)


An interesting question concerns the role of intelligence in the acquisition of language. Is mastery of this, in a sense, highly abstract behavior dependent upon measurable intelligence? The problem is complicated(1) by the definition of intelligence and (2) by the changing intelligence quotients with chronological age among the feeble-minded. An individual whose cognitive status remains constant on a level comparable to that of the normal three-year-old appears to have a steadily falling IQ throughout childhood due to the peculiar way in which this figure is computed. The situation is well-illustrated in the scattergram of Fig7-10.(Compare also Zeaman and house,1962.)The study of the mongoloid population, as well as that of additional case of mental retarda- tion ,indicates that there is a certain “IQ threshold value “that varies with age and that must be attained for language to be acquired. Individual below this threshold have varying degrees of language primitivity, as illustrated in Fig. 4.3(Chapter Four). It is noteworthy that this threshold relatively low. If we take a population whose IQ is at or just above threshold, which is the case of mongoloids, intelligence figures correlate quite poorly with language development. Only if we confine our observations to the low grades of feeblemindedness can a relationship between intelligence and language learning be established.



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