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NC026TT03 afferent
Afferent /affr
nt/ 感覺輸入
Definition Physiology relating to the conduction of nerve impulses or blood inwards or towards something. The opposite of EFFERENT.
— ORIGIN from Latin afferre ‘bring towards’
NC113TT10 fornix
for•nix [ fáwrniks ] (plural for•ni•ces [ fáwrni seez ]) 穹窿,(弧形體或凹陷),
Definition:arched structure: a structure or fold in the shape of an arch, especially either of two bands of white fibers in the brain
[Late 17th century. <>
NC130TT47 extra embryonic
extraembryonic /ex·tra·em·bry·on·ic/ 胚外的
Definition Located outside of the embryonic body
external to the embryo proper, as the extraembryonic coelom or extraembryonic membranes.
NC271TT09 dysdiadochokinesia
Main Entry: dys·di·ad·o·cho·ki·ne·sia連續更替運動之能力失常
Variant: or dys·di·ad·o·ko·ki·ne·sia
Function: noun
Dys不 失去+diadochokinesia《名》 連續更替運動之能力,(兩種反方向運動之連續變換,例如手掌向上向下之轉換).
Definition: impairment of the ability to make movements exhibiting a rapid change of motion that is caused by cerebellar dysfunction —compare ADIADOKOKINESIS
adiadochokinesia (adi•a•do•cho•ki•ne•sia) [a1diadochokinesia] a dyskinesia<名> 運動困難,運動不良consisting of inability to perform the rapid alternating movements of diadochokinesia. Called also adiadochocinesia, adiadochokinesis, and adiadokokinesia
NC377TT10 catecholaminergic
catecholaminergic (cat·e·chol·am·in·er·gic) (kat”ə-kol-əm”in-ər´jik) 兒茶酚胺活性化
Definition activated by or secreting catecholamine
catecholamine [](cat·e·chol·amine) (kat”ə-kol´ə-mēn)
《名》 兒茶酚胺,(有交感神經類同作用,包括:dopamine,epinephrine,norepinephrine由catechol合成而來catecholamine one of a group of biogenic amines having a sympathomimetic action, the aromatic portion of whose molecule is catechol, and the aliphatic portion an amine; examples are dopamine, norepinephrine, and epinephrine
NC420TT06 anosognosia
Anosognosia[]《名》 病覺缺失,患者無疾病感
Definition Ignorance of the presence of disease, specifically of paralysis. Most often seen in patients with non-dominant parietal lobe (大腦),頂葉lesions, who deny their hemiparesis []
《名》 輕偏癱,半身輕癱..
Origin: G. A-priv. + nosos, disease, + gnosis, knowledge
NC082L 05 Recognize important internal anatomic structures of the pons and describe their functions辯認橋腦的重要內部解剖結構和描述他們的作用
NC152L 05 Describe afferent and efferent projections of major thalamic nuclei描述主要的丘腦核的感覺輸入和傳出的行徑過程
p155~161 table6-1 figure6-3 figure6-4
NC208L 12 Explain the neuronal pathways mediating auditory reflexes解釋傳達聽覺反射之神經路徑
NC289L 02 Outline the anatomic organization of the primary motor cortex概廓主要的運動皮質解剖結構
P289~291 figure 14-1 figure 14-2中可瞭解
NC353L 03 Explain the central neural mechanism that controls the autonomic nervous system解釋自主神經系統的中樞神經機制
NC399L 04 Discuss the circulatory disorders of cerebrospinal fluid 討論腦脊髓液之循流失調
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