Resources for Communication Problems

Sunday, February 3, 2008



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Define each entry as outline

NC001LO3 Discucc the relationship between neuroscience and speech-language-hearing pathology討論出神經科學和言語-語言-聽力病理之間的關係

NC026TT06 cerebral cortex—大腦皮質區,"cortex" 這個字在拉丁文中所代表的意思是 "樹皮", 這是因為大腦皮質是由神經細胞所組成厚約僅26公釐的組織, 左右半球的皮質區是靠胼胝體互相連接。在大腦中又分為以下幾個區域:

前額葉皮質區Prefrontal Cortex:解決問題, 情緒, 複雜性的思考

運動聯合區Motor Association Cortex:複雜性運動的協調,如:舞蹈

主要運動皮質區Primary Motor Cortex:自主性動作的啟動

主要自體感覺皮質區Primary Somatosensory Cortex:由身體接收觸覺訊息

感官聯合區Sensory Association Area:處理多重的感官訊息

視覺聯合區Visual Association Area:掌管複雜的視覺訊息處理

視覺皮質Visual Cortex:偵測簡單的視覺刺激

韋尼克氏區Wernicke's Area:掌管語言的理解

聽覺聯合區Auditory Association Area:掌管複雜性的聽覺訊息處理

聽覺皮質Auditory Cortex:偵測聲音的質地 (音量, 音質)

布洛卡區Broca's Area:掌管語言的產生與咬字的清晰程度

NC038F2-09 Midsagittal section of the brain with the brainstem structures in place. Important structures of the brainstem are identified in Figure2-11. 腦子的矢狀部分以腦幹結構到位。腦幹的重要結構可在Figure2-11 辨識出來。


Anatomic Classification of the Cranial Nerves

Location Cranial Nerves


Telencephalon I(olfactory)

Diencephalon II(optic)

Mesencephalon III(oculomotor)

(midbrain) IV(trochlear)


Metencephalon(pons) V(trigeminal)




Myelencephalon IX(glossopharyngeal)

(medulla oblongata) X(vagus)

XI (spinal accessory)


NC082LO8Follow the continuation of major anatomic structures and relate them in each sequential section of the brain根據主要解剖組織延續並和大腦每一部分關係

NC130TT50 gametogenesis—有性生殖,又稱為gametogeny,有性生殖是在來自兩方的細胞核融合後再發育成子代的方法,有性生殖的好處在於子代混合了父母雙方的遺傳特性,增加變異性,這點是無性生殖達不到的。

NC113TT13 inferior cerebellar peduncle (restiform body)—下小腦腳,又稱蠅狀體;蠅狀體屬於下小腦腳的一部份,下小腦腳與腦幹之延腦相連。

NC113Q8 Explain why a hemorrhage in the right caudal medulla involving the corticospinal fibers will cause a left hemiplegia?( 解釋為什麼右邊的尾部骨髓包含皮質脊髓纖維出血會導致左側半身不遂)

答: 因為在尾部骨髓的髓心的部分有錐形纖維的橫穿,經過橫穿之後下降的錐形纖維會往脊柱側向的位置移動,並且行成皮質脊髓纖維束。這個皮質脊髓纖維的橫穿造成大腦一側的運動皮質區控制身體的另一側,所以當右邊的尾部骨髓有皮質脊髓纖維的部分出血會造成左邊的那一側半身不遂。

NC128F4-14 Newborn female with anencephaly. A. Front view showing the large eyes and absence of the cranial vault. B. Dorsal view showing the exposed, poorly formed brain.罹患無腦症的女性新生兒


NC153LO8 Explain thalamic syndrome解釋視丘的綜合徵狀、併發症狀



NC209F9-02Anatomy of the external, middle, and inner compartments of the human ear. 人的耳朵的外在, 中間, 和內在隔間的解剖學。

NC237TT01 cristae—crista的複數和所有格,而crista是脊。

NC259TT01 afferent—傳入,由周邊流向神經系統更為中央區域的神經訊息。

NC271TT12 mossy fibers—苔狀纖維,環繞小腦外皮質一些神經細胞的任何複雜分叉的神經纖維。

NC289LO5 Describe the location of upper motor neurons描述上運動神經元的位置


Funtional Components of the Cranial Nerves


Functional Description of the Spinal Accessory Nerve

Classification Nuclei Function

SVE(special visceral) Spinal accessory Controls head position

Efferent)/BE nucleus in C1-C5 by controlling trapezius

(branchial efferent) ventral horns of and sternocleidomastoid

spinal cord muscles

NC353LO6 Describe the anatomic organization of the hypothalamus描述下視丘的解剖組織

NC377TT13 colic—腹痛、絞痛、疝痛,腹部急劇地痙攣痛苦,由胃腸器官造成的一種綜合症狀由嚴重的陣發性痛苦的疾病,通常因為消化道疾病。

NC377Q2 Define the following terms: adipsia, amnesia, aphagia, asphyxia, hippocampus, postganglionic, pregnagionic(定義以下的術語)


amnesia—記憶缺失、健忘症;一個在資訊記憶被存放在長期記憶的干擾,與短期記憶對比, 出現了全部或部份沒有能力去召回過去經驗。

aphagia—吞嚥不能或是吞嚥困難;拒絕或無能吞下、沒有能力吃。從希臘前綴"a -"的意思是"" +"phago"的意思是""所以合併起來是不吃的意思。





NC420TT09 ataxia—運動失調,肌肉協調的失敗; 肌肉行動不規則性且笨拙,喪失協調。

NC385F17-04 A. Blood circulation to the lateral surface of the cerebral hemisphere and cerebellum. B. Diagram of the lateral cortical surface marking the territories of three cortical arteries. C. Coronal illustration of the territories of three cortical arteries. ACA, anterior cerebral artery; MCA, middle cerebral artery; PCA, posterior cerebral artery. A.血管對大腦半球和後腦的側向表面的循環 B.側向表皮表面的圖標記三表皮動脈領域 C. 三表皮動脈領域頭顱的闡述 ACA,前部大腦動脈; MCA,中部大腦動脈; PCA,後部大腦動脈

NC400F18-01 Lateral view of the ventricles. 心室的側向圖

NC444F20-21 The most common of X-linked inheritance. The unaffected, carrier mother has one faulty gene(X) and one normal gene(x), which are located on the X chromosome. The father has a normal X gene on the X chromosome and a normal Y chromosome. Each male child has the following chances of inheritance from his mother: a 50% risk of inheriting the faulty X gene and thus having the disorder and a 50%chance of inheriting the normal x gene and thus being normal and a noncarrier. Each female child has the following chances of inheriting from her mother: a 50% risk of inheriting one faulty X gene and thus being a normal carrier and a 50% chance of inheriting the normal X gene and thus being a normal noncarrier. 最共同X 連接的繼承。未受影響, 載體母親有一有毛病的gene(X) 和一正常gene(x), 位於X 染色體。父親有一個正常X 基因在X 染色體和一條正常Y 染色體。各個男性孩子從他的母親有以下繼承的機會: 50% 風險繼承有毛病的X 基因和如此有混亂和50%chance 繼承正常x 基因和如此是正常的和no carrier 。各個女性孩子有繼承的以下機會從她的母親: 50% 風險繼承一個有毛病的X 基因和如此是一個正常載體和50% 機會的繼承正常X 基因和如此是法線no carrier

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