Resources for Communication Problems

Monday, March 3, 2008



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Mark who did which!

Review Exercise 8.3

Without referring to chapter 8, fill in each of the following blanks with the correct term from the chapter. The correct answers are provided at the back of the book. Carefully, review the material related to your incorrect answers.

1. Retinal ganglion cells carry signals out of the eye to the lateral geniculate nuclei.

2. The auditory nerve leaves the cochlea as part of 8th cranial nerve and terminated in the ipsilateral cochlea nuclei.

3. Axons from the medial hemiretinas decussate in the optic chiasm; axons from the lateral hemiretinas do not.

4. Primary somatosensory cortex is located in the postcentral gyrus of each parietal lobe.

5. As the result of the pattern of decussation in the visual pathways, information about any object that we see to the left of our center of gaze is conducted from the left eye to the right hemisphere and from the right eye to the right hemisphere.

6. Information about touch and proprioception ascends the spinal cord ipsilaterally in the dorsolateralc spinal cord.

7. The two general regions of secondary visual cortexin each hemisphere are the prestriate cortex and the inferotemporal cortex.

8. The optic nerves become known as the optic tracts once they have passed the optic chiasm and the brain.

9. The superior olivary nuclei receive signals from the cochlear nuclei and conduct them via the lateral lemnisci to the inferior colliculi.

10. The thalamic relay nuclei of the auditory system are the medial geniculate nuclei.

11. Primary auditory cortex is located in the superior region of each temporal nuclei.

12. Much of the primary auditory cortex is in Heschl’s gyri, which are located in the lateral fissure.

13. The primary visual cortex constitutes much of the occipital lobe.

14. The dorsal column nuclei are located in the medulla.

15. The PAG is located in the midbrain around the cerebral trigeminal.

16. Tactual and proprioceptive information from the face reaches the brain via the three branches of the trigeminal nerve, the fifth cranial nerve.

17. Primary visual cortea is organized retinotopically; primary auditory cortex organized tonotopically; and primary somatosensory cortex is organized somatotopically.

18. The topographic map in primary somatosensory cortex is often referred to as the somatosensory homunculus.

19. Secondary visual, auditory, and somatosensory cortexs all project to posterior parietal association cortex.

20. Endorphins excite neurons in the periqueductal gray.

21. The raphé nuclei are sertonergic nuclei of the midbrain reticular formation.

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