Resources for Communication Problems

Monday, March 3, 2008



Chapter 1 Essential concepts and principles of neuroscience

Neuroscience and communicative disorders are two closely related disciplines. Basic understanding of neuroscience is essential for a comprehensive training in speech-language-hearing pathology. The rationale for training in neuroscience is that it provides a broad framework for diagnosing communication disorders and for providing effective remediation. Such background will also help student in communicative disorders and human behavior become creative partners in a team approach to managing a patient’s clinical condition, nurturing good working relationships with colleagues in the medical and paramedical professions.

神經科學與溝通障礙是兩緊密相關的學科。神經科學的基礎知識在a comprehensive training專業的聽語病理學的訓練是不可或缺的。需接受神經學訓練的基本理由是神經科學提供診斷溝通障礙與有效的矯正的寬闊架構。這樣的背景也可幫助student in communicative disorders and human behavior學生在關於管理病人的臨床情況的團隊中,針對溝通障礙與人類行為的領域成為有創造力的成員creative partners in a team approach to managing a patient’s clinical condition與醫學的、輔助醫事職業的同事養成良好的工作關係。nurturing good working relationships with colleagues in the medical and paramedical professions

Although neuroscience is admittedly complex, there are ways to overcome its technical terminology. The basic neurologic concepts and technical tools that are prerequisite for learning neuroscience and are needed for solving clinical problems involving neurologically impaired patients have been presented. Familiarity with the rules of word formation and an approach that emphasizes persistent repetition, visual orientation, and deductive reasoning can make learning neuroscience easier. Visual familiarity with the graphic details given in Chapters 2 and 3 is necessary to develop the foundation for understanding the functional organization of the nervous system.

即使神經科學是admittedly complex一般公認地複雜,仍有方法去克服它的專業術語。基礎的神經學概念與專業工具that areprerequisite for learning neuroscience學習神經科學的必要條件and are needed for solving clinical problems involving neurologically impaired patients且需用來解釋有關神經受損病患曾出現的臨床問題have been presented。熟悉單字組成的規則與強調persistent堅持不懈的背誦repetitionvisual orientation視覺定位deductive reasoning推理模式可使神經科學的學習更加容易。視覺的通曉Visual familiarity with第二章、第三章所給予的圖解細節是發展develop the foundation for了解神經系統的功能性組織所必備的necessary to develop基石

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