Resources for Communication Problems

Monday, March 10, 2008



Ch09 Summary

Audition begins in the external ear, when collected sound waves strike the tympanic membrane. The resulting vibration of the tympanic membrane converts sound waves into mechanical energy, causing the middle ear bones to move back and forth. This mechanical energy is further transformed to a hydraulic form of energy in the cochlear fluid of the inner ear, which activates the sensory hair cells in the cochlea and transforms the hydraulic energy to electrical never impulses.

當收集的聲波撞擊鼓膜時,Audition begins in the external ear聽覺是從在外耳開始The resulting vibration of the tympanic membrane鼓膜的振動結果把聲波轉換成機械能,造成中耳聽骨前後動。這機械能在內耳的耳蝸液體中進一步變換成一種hydraulic form of energy水壓能量的形式,在耳蝸中激活感覺毛細胞並且從水壓能量變換electrical never impulses電神經衝動

摘要:「當收集的聲波傳入鼓膜時,聽覺從外耳開始。鼓膜的振動把聲波轉變成機械能,導致中耳的三小聽骨來回移動。這機械能被更進一步在內耳的耳蝸裡改變成流體的能量, 在耳蝸裡觸動毛細胞並且把流體的力能改變成神經電位傳導。」

The nerve impulses are transmitted by vestibulocochlear nerve (CN VIII) fibers to the cochlear nuclei in the brainstem. The cochlear cells project these nerve impulses to multiple synaptic points in the brain stem and the thalamus before transmitting the impulses to the primary auditory cortex in the temporal lobe. The auditory impulses travel from the primary and secondary auditory cortex to the Wernicke (associational language) area, where the auditory signals are analyzed and interpreted into meaningful language-specific messages.

The nerve impulses神經衝動由前庭耳蝸神經(CN VIII)纖維傳達給在腦幹中的耳蝸核。before transmitting the impulses to the primary auditory cortex in the temporal lobe在顳葉傳送脈衝給主要聽覺皮層之前,耳蝸細胞投射出這些神經衝動給在腦幹和丘腦的多胞突接合點。聽覺衝動從主要和次要聽覺皮層移動Wernicke (聯想語言)Wernicke (associational language) area,在此處聽覺信號被分析並且interpreted into meaningful language-specific messages譯成具有特定語言的訊息。

摘要:「耳蝸裡的前庭神經(CN VIII)傳送神經纖維到腦幹。耳蝸細胞神經傳導到大腦內視丘多胞突接合的點在傳送到主要聽覺皮層前的顳葉。從主要與第二聽覺的皮層到Wernicke(配對語言)的聽覺區塊,聽覺的信號被分析並且翻譯成有意義的具體語言訊息。」

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