Resources for Communication Problems

Sunday, March 2, 2008



Some commonly used and neurolinguistically pertinent neurodignostic techniques and medical concepts discussed, and prevalent neurologic disease and medical technical concepts are presented. These topics directly apply to the management of neurologic patients who are seen by professionals who have an interest in human behavior and, who work primarily in medical settings (audiologists, speech-language pathologists, and psychologists). Imaging techniques are discussed to familiarize students with the procedures, principles, and purposes underlying different contemporary neurodiagnostic and imaging techniques.

The chapter also addresses the procedural issues of sodium amytal infusion, which is used for the assessment of cerebral dominance, which is used for the assessment of cerebral dominance, usually before tissue removal during craniotomy. A discussion of eletroencephallography and electromyography explains how these test are used to measure functioning of the brain cells and muscle fibers. The ways to record evoked potentials to specific and controlled sensory stimulation and their interpretation are also described.

Finally, various neurologic techniques and neurosurgical procedures, along with their neurolinguistic implications, are examined. Modes of genetic inheritance and a brief account of common neurologic diseases are presented.

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