Resources for Communication Problems

Sunday, January 13, 2008



Arrange all assignments according to page numbers. No need to rearrange them according to figure, table etc.


NC026TT07 cerebral hemisphere

One half of the cerebrum, the part of the brain that controls muscle functions and also controls speech, thought, emotions, reading, writing, and learning. The right hemisphere controls the muscles on the left side of the body, and the left hemisphere controls the muscles on the right side of the body.


NC113TT14 inferior colliculus

The ovoid, paired, inferior eminence of the laminae of mesencephalic tectum; it receives the lateral lemniscus and projects by way of the brachium of inferior colliculus to the medial geniculate body of the thalamus, and is thus an essential way-station in the central auditory pathway.


NC130TT01 abembryonic (or vegetal) pole

the pole of the blastocyst opposite the embryonic pole where the embryoblast (primordial embryo) is located.

在水中產卵的種類,卵粒一般黑白分明,黑色部分朝上,稱為動物極(animal pole),可幫助吸熱發育,白色的部分稱為植物極(vegetal pole),含有卵黃,較重朝下,卵黃可提供胚胎發育所需的養分。

NC130TT51 gene

a segment of a DNA molecule that contains all the information required for synthesis of a product (polypeptide chain or RNA molecule), including both coding and noncoding sequences. It is the biologic unit of heredity, self-reproducing, and transmitted from parent to progeny. Each gene has a specific position (locus) on the chromosome map.


NC151TT01 acetylcholine

The acetic ester of choline, the neurotransmitter substance at cholinergic synapses, which causes cardiac inhibition, vasodilation, gastrointestinal peristalsis, and other parasympathetic effects. It is liberated from preganglionic and postganglionic endings of parasympathetic fibers and from preganglionic fibers of the sympathetic as a result of nerve injuries, whereupon it acts as a transmitter on the effector organ; it is hydrolyzed rapidly into choline and acetic acid by acetylcholinesterase in the tissues and by pseudocholinesterase in the blood.


NC237TT02 cupula

A cup-shaped or domelike structure.


NC259TT02 α-motor neuron

Alpha motor neurons (α-MNs) are large lower motor neurons of the brainstem and spinal cord. They innervate extrafusal muscle fibers of skeletal muscle and are directly responsible for initiating their contraction. Alpha motor neurons are distinct from gamma motor neurons, which innervate intrafusal muscle fibers of muscle spindles.


NC271TT13 neocerebellum

Phylogenetic term referring to the larger lateral portion of the cerebellar hemisphere receiving its dominant input from the pontine nuclei which, in turn, are dominated by afferent nerves originating from all parts of the cerebral cortex; phylogenetically, of more recent origin than the archicerebellum and paleocerebellum, q.v., the neocerebellum reaches its largest development in humans and other primates.

NC377TT14 diurnal

Pertaining to the daylight hours; opposite of nocturnal.


NC420TT10 concussion

A violent shaking or jarring. Or an injury of a soft structure, as the brain, resulting from a blow or violent shaking.

所謂腦震盪(brain concussion)是指頭部因外力撞擊,使頭顱內容物--大腦--的功能受到立即而暫時性的失常,症狀諸如:意識不清或是喪失、視力障礙或是平衡障礙,有時會有持續性頭痛、頭暈、記憶力變差、情緒不穩的情形,但這些症狀多半會隨著時間慢慢減輕及消失。腦震盪依臨床症狀可分為三級:第一級,患者的意識沒有喪失,僅有頭暈的症狀。第二級,意識沒有完全喪失,但有暫時性的意識混亂及一時無法回想事發當時的情形。第三級,是典型的腦震盪,患者會有一段時間完全喪失意識,而且記不得事發時的情形。


NC001L03 Explain the rationale for learning neuroscience.

解釋學習神經系統科學的理由you can find the answer at P.2~3

NC289L02 Outline the anatomic organization of the primary motor cortex.

略述主要動作皮質的解剖組織:you can find the answer at P.289~290

NC353L07 Discuss the autonomic and endocrinic functions of the hypothalamus.

討論下視丘的外分泌及內分泌功能:you can find the answer at P.364~368

NCF, T & P


Briefly explain what these assignments are by giving them a title















NC129Q1 Define the following terms: chromosomes, disjunction, embryo, gametogenesis, meiosis, mitosis, neuro crest, neuro plate, nondisjunction, teratogenesis

1. Chromosomes染色體The microscopically visible carriers of the genetic material. They are composed of deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) and proteins and, under a microscope, look like little rods. Humans normally have 46 chromosomes -- 44 autosomes (nonsex chromosomes) plus XX sex chromosomes in the case of the female and XY sex chromosomes in the case of the male.

2. Disjunction分裂:The normal separation of pairs of chromosomes at the anaphase stage of meiosis I or II.

3. Embryo胚胎:In animals, those derivatives of the fertilized ovum that eventually become the offspring, during their period of most rapid development, i.e., after the long axis appears until all major structures are represented. In man, the developing organism is an embryo from about two weeks after fertilization to the end of seventh or eighth week.

4. Gametogenesis配子結合:the development of the male and female sex cells, or gametes.

5. meiosis減數分裂:A special process of cell division comprising two nuclear divisions in rapid succession that result in four gametocytes, each containing half the number of chromosomes found in somatic cells.

6. mitosis有絲分裂:The usual process of somatic reproduction of cells consisting of a sequence of modifications of the nucleus (prophase, prometaphase, metaphase, anaphase, telophase) that result in the formation of two daughter cells with exactly the same chromosome and nuclear DNA content as that of the original cell.

7. neuro crest神經脊:在脊椎動物胚胎發育過程中,神經脊細胞是從神經板的邊緣產生。這些細胞會由表皮性的外胚層細胞轉變成一群具遷移性的細胞,並在到達它們的遷移終點後分化成許多種不同的細胞,包括頭部顏面骨骼、大部分的周圍神經細系統以及皮膚的色素細胞等等。神經脊被認為是早期脊椎動物演化的重要特點之一。

8. neuro plate神經板:the neuroectodermal region of the early embryo's dorsal surface that in later development is transformed into the neural tube and neural crest.

9. nondisjunction分裂失敗:Failure of one or more pairs of chromosomes to separate at the meiotic stage of karyokinesis, with the result that both chromosomes are carried to the one daughter cell and none to the other.

10. teratogenesis畸形:The origin or mode of production of a malformed conceptus; the disturbed growth processes involved in the production of a malformed neonate.

NC377Q2 Define the functions of the sympathetic and parasympathetic systems of the ANS

我們身體的內臟器官,如心臟、胃和腸,都是受自律神經系統(ANS所調控的。自律神經系統(ANS)是周邊神經系統的一部份,它控制體腔內許多的器官和肌肉。在大部分的情況下,我們是無法察覺自律神經系統的運作,因其作用仍透過非潛意識主控的反射動作進行之。舉例來說,我們不會察覺血管管徑的變化或者心跳加快。可是,有些人藉由訓練得以控制諸如心跳、血壓一類的自律神經運作。以下兩種狀況下自律神經系統的運作扮演重要的角色:1. 在造成壓力的緊急的狀況下,我們還得去選擇「迎戰」「潰退」(逃跑)2. 在處於「休息」 「消化」非緊急的狀態下。1. 的狀況即為「交感神經系統(sympathetic systems)」,下圖中是源於脊髓的交感神經系統。 特別的是,第一個神經元(節前神經元)的細胞本體位於腰椎。這些神經元的軸突投射到靠近脊髓的神經節。大部分狀況下,這個神經元與另一個神經元(節後神經元)在神經節中形成為一個突觸。有些節前神經元會延伸到較遠處之交感神經節並在此形成。節後神經元就會投射到其「標的區」-即肌肉或是腺體。 交感神經系統的另外兩個特點:交感神經系統的神經節突觸係以乙醯膽鹼(acetylcholine來當神經傳導素;投射至目標器官上的節後神經元突觸則利用腎上腺素norepinephrine)為神經傳導素。 (當然,也有例外:投射至汗腺的節後神經元,所釋放的神經傳導素為乙醯膽鹼。) 2.的狀況則為「副交感神經系統(parasympathetic systems)」,副交感神經開始運作時-血壓降低,心跳減緩,啟動消化作用-而得以儲存能量。下圖中,副交感神經系統的細胞本體位於薦椎(骨區)和延腦中。在骨髓中,第三﹑七﹑九﹑十對的腦神經形成副交感神經節前纖維。來自延腦或脊髓的節前神經纖維會投射到非常靠近標的器官的神經節並形成突觸。這個突觸所使用的神經傳導素為乙醯膽鹼(acetylcholine。而節後神經元則由這種神經節投射到標的器官並在末端釋出乙醯膽鹼(acetylcholine

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