Resources for Communication Problems

Monday, January 21, 2008




denticulate ligaments—Fibrous ligaments attaching the spinal cord to surrounding dura mater.齒狀韌帶,由延伸在脊髓兩側的軟模型成的規則間隔。

depolarization—Changes in memebrane potentials in which the cellular interior changes from negative( resting potential) to positive.退極化、去極化,膜狀物潛能的運動趨近0 mV;極化的降低。

depression—An altered mental state characterized by feelings of sadness, despair, low self-esteem, and compulsive thoughts. Subjects also exhibit reduced motor activity, and social withdrawal. Altered autonomic functions include loss of appetite, diminished libido, and loss of internet in things considered to be significant before.臨時精神狀態或慢性精神錯亂為悲傷、寂寞、絕望、低自尊, 和自責的感覺描繪; 伴隨現象頻繁地包括心理性運動的遲延或較少鼓動、撤退從社會聯絡, 和不活潑的狀態譬如胃口和失眠損失。

dermatome—Cutaneous body region receiving most of its sensory innervation from one dorsal root ganglion, brainstem segment, or spinal nerve.皮節、皮刀、(胚胎)皮片,是切口儀器被使用為皮膚嫁接或切皮膚稀薄的片斷,是皮膚的一個地方化的區域有它的感覺通過一根唯一神經從脊髓的唯一神經根。

diabetes insipidus—Condition of excessive thirst and urination caused by inadequate secretion of the antidiuretic hormone.尿崩症,經常叫的"水糖尿病", 水新陳代謝罕見的混亂, 為強烈的乾渴和過份排尿

diabetes mellitus—Disease in which glucose is not adequately oxidized in the body tissue because of insufficient insulin.糖尿病,人體內的胰臟不能製造足夠的胰島素,導致葡萄糖無法充分進入細胞內,血糖濃度就會升高形成糖尿病。

diadochokinesia—Ability to make rapid alternating movements of the limbs.亦作 diadochokinesis, diadokokinesia, diadokokinesis;輪替運動,即正常肌肉之快速屈伸能力。

diaphragm—Primary muscle of inspiration. Also forms a partition between the abdominal and the thoracic cavities.橫膈膜,是一大片橫躺在胸腔底部, 做為胸腔與腹腔分界的肌肉它在生理學上最重要的功能, 是做為主要的吸氣肌肉之一。橫隔膜

dichotic listening—Neuropsychological testing tool that involves simultaneous presentation of auditory stimuli to both ears. It is used for evaluating cerebral dominance.二重聽覺的傾聽,是做法常用調查有選擇性的關注在聽覺系統。在二重聽覺傾聽, 二不同聽覺刺激(通常講話) 同時被提出對參加者, 一對各個耳朵, 通常使用一套耳機。參加者請求出席一個或(在劃分注意實驗) 兩個消息。他們也許以後被詢問或者消息內容。

diencephalons—Inner part of the brain that lies between the cerebral hemispheres and the midbrain. Includes the thalamus and hypothalamus.間腦,是前腦的尾部部分, 深陷於二大腦半球間。包括丘腦,後丘腦,上丘腦和下丘腦等組成。間腦

diffusion—Temperature-based movement of molecules from a region of high cincentration to an area of low concentration, resulting in a balanced distribution.擴散,分子或離子的任意運動或小顆粒在解答或懸浮在brownian (熱量) 行動的影響之下往一致的發行在可利用的容量過程中; 速度是相對地迅速在液體和氣體之中, 但非常慢慢地發生在固體之中。

diffusion tensor imaging—MRI technique that evaluates the pathology of the white matter in the CNS by measuring movement and directionality of water molecules in the axonal tract.磁振擴散張量影像,擴散張量想像(DTI) 是一個相當新磁共振圖像技術。它顯示擴散(即任意mortion 水分子在組織。擴散比在方向垂直是大的在方向沿結構在tisssues(e.g. 白色問題在腦子或肌肉裡) 對它(參見圖1) 。擴散是非均質性的。擴散為擴散張量描繪, 是一個相稱3x3 矩陣。

diffusion weighted imaging—Measures the diffusion of water in tissues ( apparent diffusion, based on Brownian motion).磁振擴散權重影像,是導致生物組織的活體內圖像被衡量以水擴散的 地方微結構特徵的一種具體磁共振圖像(MRI) 形式。三個梯度方向是應用, 充足估計擴散張量或' 平均擴散性能的' 蹤影, 腫鼓一個想像措施。臨床, 追蹤被衡量的圖像證明非常有用診斷血管衝程在腦子, 由早檢測(在兩三分鐘內) 缺氧 腫鼓。

digital subtraction angiography—Imaging technique comparing an X-ray image of an artery before and after an intravenous injection of a contrast substance.數位化血管攝影檢查機、又稱為DSA是利用電腦處理數位化的影像資訊,以消除骨骼和軟組織影的減影技術,是新一代血管造影的成像技術。

diopter—Unit used for measuring the refractive power of the eye, which is reciprocally related to the focal distance.屈光度,又稱為焦度;是量度透鏡屈光能力的單位。焦距f的長短標誌著折光能力的大小,焦距越短,其折光能力就越大,近視的原因就是眼睛折光能力太大,遠視的人則折光能力太弱。

diphenylhydantoin ( phenytoin, Dilantin)—Commonly used drug for treating seizure disorders.二苯妥因,為抗癲癇治療藥物,能提高神經元的興奮閾值,抑制癲癇發作。可單獨使用,也可和primidonecarbamazepine等倂用。副作用包括行為改變、運動失調、語無倫次、心智混亂、肝功能障礙等。

diplopia—Pathologic condition of double vision by which a single object is seen as being two objects.兩眼的中心凹接收不同的像,無法將其融合成單一像,從而出現雙重像,稱為複視。斜視患者未出現單眼抑制時,往往會出現複視。

disequilibrium—Impaired balance marked by unsteady gait, with the body wavering toward the site of lesion during locomotion.不穩定、又稱失衡;缺乏穩定或平衡,失去情緒或身體的平衡。

disjunction—Separation of bivalent chromosomes during anaphase.對的正常分離染色體在anaphase(細胞分裂第三期) 階段成熟分裂I II

diuresis—Excessive secretion and output of urine. Commonly seen in diabetes mellitus.尿的排泄;通常表示異常地產生大量的尿。

diurnal—Occurring every day.每日的、白天的、一日間的。

DNA(deoxyribonucleic acid)—Double-stranded molecular structure containing and organism’s genetic information.又稱去氧核醣核酸。 染色體存在於細胞核中,而細胞核去氧核醣核酸及組蛋白兩種化學物質所組成,組蛋白為球狀結構。

dominant inheritance—Genetic expression mode in which a dysfunctional allele possessed by on parent dominates the second allele from the other parent. Each offspring has a 50% probability of inheriting this dysfunctional gene and the disorder.等位基因導致同樣顯性作用是否繼承與一個同形結合的或異質結合的等位基因的繼承。當個體患有體染色體顯性遺傳疾病,會有50%的機率將此突變基因遺傳給每個子女(而發生疾病),而另一方面,子女將不會被遺傳到此突變基因的機率也是50%

dopamine—One of the inhibitory neurotransmitters secreted by neurons om the brainstem. Its increased and decreased secretion is associated with schizophrenia and Parkinsonism, respectively.杜巴氨,或是多巴胺。這是一種腦部分泌的分子,其功用為腦部的訊息傳導。以口語來說,腦部受到外部刺激,可能是物理性或化學性,腦部會分泌多巴胺,具有多巴胺受體的部分接受到多巴胺訊息,就會有情緒上的反應,通常是興奮或愉快,另外會有生理反應如心跳加速、血壓升高等。是一種腦內分泌,可影響一個人的情緒,幫助細胞傳送脈衝的微小化學物,同時也是醫治憂鬱症的藥物。

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