Resources for Communication Problems

Saturday, January 5, 2008



The glossary is already arranged in alphabetical order. No need to enumerate them.

語聽二 第四組9480051 楊采駖 負責頁數:p463 hydrocele~p463 hypoxemia

1.hydrocele 陰囊積水,陰囊水腫.

圖片: Hydrocele repair - series: Normal anatomy

Normal anatomy

說明:During development, the scrotal cavity in boys is connected to the abdominal cavity via a structure called the processus vaginalis. The processus vaginalis usually closes at birth, or soon after.

定義 : a circumscribed collection of fluid, especially a collection of fluid in the tunica vaginalis testis or along the spermatic cord.

2.hydrocephalus 腦水腫,腦積水() (常因腦室之間通道受阻所致,多為先天發生) .

定義 : hydrocephalus develops because of obstruction

awake craniotomy

3.hypalgesia 痛覺遲鈍;痛覺減退.

定義: decreased nociception (pain sense); called also hypalgia and hypoalgesia.

4.hyperacusia 聽覺過敏

定義 : exceptionally acute hearing, the hearing threshold being unusually low. It may or may not be accompanied by pain

5.hypercholesterolemia 血膽固醇過高(),高膽固醇血()



定義 : an excess of cholesterol in the blood.hypercholesterole´mic

6.hypermetropia (hyperopia) 遠視

定義 : that error of refraction in which rays of light entering the eye parallel to the optic axis are brought to a focus behind the retina, as a result of the eyeball being too short from front to back. Symbol H. Called also farsightedness (because the near point is more distant than it is in emmetropia with an equal amplitude of accommodation) and hypermetropia.



7.hyperparathyroidism 副甲狀腺功能亢進


定義 : a condition caused by excessive amounts of parathyroid hormone, which causes hypercalcemia and hypophosphatemia and affects the functions of many cell types. Manifestations include calcium deposits in the renal tubules; generalized decalcification of bone (osteoporosis) that results in pain and tenderness of bones and spontaneous fractures or in localized bone cysts; hypercalcemia that leads to muscular weakness, gastrointestinal symptoms such as anorexia, nausea, vomiting, and abdominal pains; and drowsiness or obtusion.

8.Hyperplasia 增生,增殖(生物細胞)


定義 : abnormal multiplication or increase in the number of normal cells in normal arrangement in a tissue

9.hyperpolarization 過度極化

定義 : An increase in polarization of membranes of nerves or muscle cells; the reverse change from that associated with excitatory action.



定義 : a condition of having more segments or lobes than usual.

Neutrophil hypersegmentation associated with megaloblastic anemia.
Neutrophil hypersegmentation associated with megaloblastic anemia.

11.hypersomnia 嗜眠;睡眠過度


定義 : Excessive need to sleep.

12.hyperthermia高體溫,高熱(hyperpyrexia) (特指用於治療的人工發熱)


定義 : Overheating of the body. This may be due to extreme weather conditions. Unrelieved hyperthermia can lead to collapse and death, particularly in the elderly. Prevention via air conditioning, ventilation, and drinking extra water is the key for vulnerable persons. In emergency cases, injections of saline solution and rapid cooling of the body may be needed. Also known as heatstroke or heat prostration.

13.hypertrophy 肥大;肥厚,(細胞增大數目不變).


Hypertrophy hearts 500 July07

定義 : Enlargement or overgrowth of an organ or part of the body due to the increased size of the constituent cells.

14.hypoblast 1.內胚層,(主指鳥類的)下胚層 (entoderm) .

定義 : Cell layer adjacent to the yolk sac cavity and subjacent to the epiblast of a bilayered embryo.

15.hypoglossalnerves 舌下神經

定義 :anatomy, nerveThe hypoglossal nerve enervates the muscles of the tongue.


定義 : An abnormally low concentration of glucose in the blood



17.hypokinesia 運動機能減退

定義 : abnormally diminished motor function or activity

18.hypokintic dysarthia 語言方面的運動功能減退

定義 : hypokintic : Relating to or characterized by hypokinesis

dysarthiaa speech disorder consisting of imperfect articulation due to loss of muscular control after damage to the central or peripheral nervous system.

19.hyponatremia 低鈉血症

定義 : Abnormally low concentration of sodium ions in blood


定義 : Decreased response of the deep tendon reflexes, usually resulting from injury to the central nervous system or metabolic disease.


定義 : The hypothalamus is an area of the brain that produces hormones that control thirst, hunger, body temperature, sleep, moods, sex drive, and the release of hormones from various glands, primarily the pituitary gland.

The Pituitary & Hypothalamus Glands


定義 : 1. a reduction of core body temperature to 35°C (95°F) or lower, as that due to exposure in cold weather or induced as a means of decreasing metabolism of tissues and thereby the need for oxygen, as used in various surgical procedures, especially on the heart. 2. a state of low temperature induced in an excised organ being preserved for transplantation.


23.hypotonia低肌張; 肌肉緊張不足

定義 : a condition of diminished tone of the skeletal muscles; diminished resistance of muscles to passive stretching.


24.hypoxemia血氧過少 低氧血

定義 : Insufficient oxygenation of arterial blood



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