Resources for Communication Problems

Saturday, January 5, 2008



The glossary is already arranged in alphabetical order. No need to enumerate them.

語聽二 第四組 9580048許舒琇 負責頁數:P.465-mammillary bodies~P.466metabolism

1. mammillary bodies-


2. massa intermedia-

灰質組織出現神經細胞彌和第三腦室,連接左右丘腦。 The massa intermedia is missing in about 20% of human brains.該中間是失踪的約20 %的人腦。

3. maturation-

Part of the process of cheesemaking, when the cheese is stored at a certain temperature and humidity for a period of time in order to allow its flavor and texture to develop.

4. mechanoreceptor-

機械感受器,機械性刺激感受器。sensory cell or (less often) organ responsive to mechanical forces, such as water currents, touch, sound, or some moron with a really loud stereo in his car.

5. medial forebrain bundle-

The Medial forebrain bundle (MFB) is a bundle of axons that carries information between the ventral tegmentum and the nucleus accumbens. It is commonly accepted that the MFB is a part of the reward system, involved in the integration of reward and pleasure.

6. medial geniculate body-

內側膝狀體,接受從聽覺神經傳來的刺激在加以整合後傳至大腦聽覺區。a neural structure that serves as the last of a series of processing centers along the auditory pathway from the cochlea to the temporal lobe of the cerebral cortex.

7. medial lemniscus pathways-

the sensory pathway responsible for transmitting fine touch and conscious proprioceptive information from the body to the cerebral cortex.

8. medial longitudinal fasciculus-

a pair of crossed fiber tracts (group of axons), one on each side of the brainstem.

9. medulla oblongata –

The medulla oblongata is the lower portion of the brainstem. It deals with autonomic functions.

10. medullary reticulospinal tract-

The reticulospinal tract (or anterior reticulospinal tract) is an extrapyramidal motor tract which travels from the reticular formation.

The sensory tract conveying information in the opposite direction is known as the "spinoreticular tract".


減數分裂,經由連續兩次的有絲分裂之後,會產生染色體減半的子細胞。當第一次分裂時,會發生同源染色體(homologous chromosome)之配對,接著是第二次分裂,配對分離,除了染色體數目是體細胞的一半外,則和體細胞分裂的方式一樣,並形成四個具單套染色體的細胞核,同時發生細胞質的分裂而形成四個子細胞。

12.Meissner corpuscles-

皮膚底下負責觸覺,會將觸覺的訊息傳到spinal corddorsal horn,接著傳到各個腦神經。


黑細胞,黑色素細胞,(在表皮與真皮之間). Pigment-producing cells in the skin, hair and eyes that determine their color. The pigment is called melanin and comes in two colors: eumelanin, which is black, and pheomelanin, which is red. The amount of these two melanins determines skin, hair and eye color




15.membrane potentials-

膜電位,Membrane potential (or transmembrane potential or transmembrane potential difference or transmembrane potential gradient), is the electrical potential difference (voltage) across a cell's plasma membrane. The plasma membrane bounds the cell to provide a stable environment for biological processes. Membrane potential arises from the action of ion transporters embedded in the membrane which maintain viable ion concentrations inside the cell. The term "membrane potential" is sometimes used interchangeably with cell potential but is applicable to any lipid bilayer or membrane



17.Ménière disease-

美尼爾氏症候群(Ménière's disease),俗稱耳水不平衡,是一影響聽力及平衡的內耳疾病,以陣發性眩暈、耳鳴為主要特徵性表現,伴隨有進行性聽力喪失。多見單耳發病。一般認為是由於內淋巴迴流受阻或吸收障礙, 內耳迷路壓力增高而致。該病是1861年由法國醫生美尼爾(Prosper Ménière, 1799 – 1862) 首先報導的。


腦脊髓膜,The meninges (singular meninx) is the system of membranes which envelope the central nervous system. The meninges consist of three layers: the dura mater, the arachnoid mater, and the pia mater. The primary function of the meninges and of the cerebrospinal fluid is to protect the central nervous system.


腦脊髓膜炎,Meningitis is the inflammation of the protective membranes covering the central nervous system, known collectively as the meninges. Meningitis may develop in response to a number of causes, including infectious agents, physical injury, cancer, or certain drugs. While some forms of meningitis are mild and resolve on their own, meningitis is a potentially serious condition owing to the proximity of the inflammation to the brain and spinal cord. The potential for serious neurological damage or even death necessitates prompt medical attention and evaluation. Infectious meningitis, the most common form, is typically treated with antibiotics and requires close observation.

20.Merkel receptors-

痛覺接受器。Merkel nerve endings are mechanoreceptors found in the skin and mucosa of vertebrates that provide touch information to the brain. Each ending consists of a Merkel cell in close apposition with an enlarged nerve terminal. This is sometimes referred to as a Merkel cell-neurite complex, or a Merkel disk receptor. A single afferent nerve fibre branches to innervate up to 90 such endings. They are classified as slowly adapting type I mechanoreceptors.


中腦,中腦長約1.5公分,其腹面由橋腦延伸至間腦的乳頭體,在兩側明顯的突起稱基腳(basis pedunculi),是由錐體運動系統及皮質橋腦徑的纖維所組成。位於基腳之間的深陷處稱為腳間窩(interpeduncular fossa),在腳間窩的底剖,有很多小血管穿入中腦。因於腳間窩的底部,又稱為後穿孔質。動眼神經起始於腳間窩的兩側。中腦的側面主要是大腦腳。大腦腳包括一些內部構造如黑質(substantia nigra)和蓋膜(tegmental)。中腦的背面有四個圓形的隆起﹕上丘(superior colliculi)和下丘(inferior colliculi)又稱為四疊體(corpora quadrigemina)。下丘是聽覺的轉運站。上丘與眼球的隨意運動及視覺或其它刺激引起的眼球與頭部運動有關。


中胚葉;中胚膜,(胚胎早期三種胚芽層之中間層,以後形成結締組織,泌尿系統,血管以及體腔內膜,包括胸膜及腹膜等). The germ layer mesoderm forms in the embryos of animals more complex than cnidarians, making them triploblastic. Mesoderm forms during gastrulation when some of the cells migrating inward to form the endoderm form an additional layer between the endoderm and the ectoderm.




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