Resources for Communication Problems

Wednesday, January 23, 2008





Rhodopsin or a visual pigment that absorbs light and undergoes structural changes, leading to the generation of an action potential 光色素,感光色素:視網膜色素或吸收光和進行結構變化的一種視覺色素, 導致動作電位的產生。

補充:視網膜上的感光細胞利用光色素(photopigment)吸收可見光,除提供清楚的影像外並轉換為神經能量,刺激視神經(optic nerve)傳遞至腦部闡釋為視覺資訊。



Visual pigment found in retinal cones 視光素:一種從視網膜錐體中發現的視覺色素 補充:在桿細胞為視紫質(Rhodopsin or Visual purple),由一種蛋白質,即視黑素(Scotopsin)及一種胡蘿蔔素,即視黃醛(Retinal)所合成;而在錐細胞則是數種感應色彩的化學物質,由相同的視黃醛和不同的視蛋白,視光素(Photopsin)所合成。其受光線照射後做出系列循環反應。



Specialized retinal cells that transfer light energy into action potentials 感光體,(神經纖維終端器):轉移光能進入動作電位的專業視網膜細胞 A sensory receptor situated at the back of the retina, either a large cylindrical rod or a smaller tapering cone, specialized to convert light stimulation into electrical nerve impulses or action potentials. The human retina contains approximately 120 million rods and 6 million cones. Also called a visual receptor

Pia mater

Inner most layer of the three meninges 軟腦膜:三層腦膜的最內層 補充:腦膜的外層稱做硬膜。它又硬又厚,能限制頭蓋骨之中腦部的移動。如此便能防止腦中的血管因為腦部移動而受到拉扯或破裂。中層的腦膜叫做蛛網膜。然後是最接近腦部的內層,稱做軟腦脊膜 參考資料:

Pick disease

Dementia-causing diease of the frontotermporal degeneration marked by the presence of pathologic Pick bodies in the brain 皮克氏症:老年癡呆導致前顳葉退化的疾病由病理性Pick身體出現標記在腦子

Pineal gland

Thalamic organ important in diurnal rhythm 松果體:丘腦的重要器官主要在處理晝夜節奏。 補充:松果體是人體第一形成的腺體。在幼兒期的時候,體積最大;隨著年齡增加,逐漸鈣化、萎縮。由於松果體含有色素細胞,對光敏感,所以又叫做第三隻眼,而且它會根據光強度決定褪黑激素分泌;也是決定睡眠、起床時間的關鍵。它監視體內各腺體、器官運作,令荷爾蒙維持正常濃度。


Pituitary gland

Hypothalamic structure of hormone synthesis in the central nervous system that is divided into a large anterior lobe (adenohypophysis) and a small posterior lobe (neurohypophysis) 腦垂體腺:是一個被劃分成一個大前葉(adenohypophysis) 和一個小後葉(neurohypophysis)的中樞神經系統綜合激素的下視丘結構。 補充:腦垂腺的體積不大,約略如豌豆大小,可分泌多種不同的激素,控制甲狀腺、腎上腺和性腺等腺體的分泌,所以腦垂腺被稱為內分泌系統中的總指揮。


Planum temporale

Area of the superior temporal lobe posterior to Heschl Gyrus. It is large in the left temporal lobe and is associated with cerebral dominance 顳平面:是一個在顳葉的較上方Heschl`s腦迴後方的區域。它在左顳葉裡算是較大的且與大腦支配有關。 補充:一般認為左半部的planum temporale 是用來處理語言的部分。 參考資料:


Abnormal patch of lipid deposition along the inner arterial wall. Also refers to demyelinated areas in multiple sclerosis. 粥狀硬化斑:油脂沉積物沿著內部動脈壁的不正常嵌入。並且提到脫除髓鞘區域在多發性硬化症 Abnormal deposit building up on a body surface, especially the film of saliva and bacteria that accumulates on teeth. Fatty and fibrous plaque can also form in blood vessels. Dental plaque leads to tooth decay and gum disease.


Brain`s capability of being recoganized in the face of an injury, a property that is most evident in developing young brains, particularly before 6 years of age.


Platelet-inhibiting drugs

Medications like such as acetylsalicylic acid (aspirin), dipyridamole (Persantine), clopidogrel bisulfate (Plavix), and ticlopidine (Ticlid) are commonly used to prevent platelet aggregation. 抑制血小板的藥物:是種藥物像是醋柳酸(阿斯匹林),冠狀動脈擴張劑 (Persantine),保栓通(Plavix)ticlopidine (Ticlid),都是最普遍用來預防血小板聚集。




Network formed by the interconnected nerves from multiple spinal segments. 神經、血管的網狀組織:藉由多個脊神經節相互連繫構成網狀系統。 Any complex network of nerves, ganglia, blood vessels, or lymphatic vessels, such as the choroid plexus(脈絡叢)

Pneumotaxic area

Pontine respiratory center that limits inspiration and facilitates expiration. 調節呼吸頻率區域:是橋腦呼吸中心用來限制吸氣和促使吐氣的區域


Condition in which the temperature of an organism is similar to the temperature of the environment. 變溫性:是指一種身體組織的溫度相似於環境的溫度的狀況 an organism that cannot regulate its body temperature except by behavioral means such as basking or burrowing. Often contrasted with homeotherm; compare with cold-blooded

Polar bodies

Two or three cells formed during the first and the second meiotic division of oocytes that consists of almost all nuclear materials. Do not develop further and are lost. 極體:23個細胞構成是經過第一和第二次由核物質所組成的卵細胞減數分裂。沒有再更進一步的發展也沒有損失


Electrical resting state of a cell characterized by the polarity of ions inside and outside the cell. 極化:一個細胞的靜止電位藉由離子的極性進出細胞的特性


Acute viral disease of the lower motor neurons in the spinal cord and brainstem. 脊髓灰質炎、小兒麻痺症:在脊隨和腦幹有較低的動作神經元的急性病毒疾病。 補充:小兒麻痺,又稱為脊髓灰白質炎,剛開始的症狀很像感冒,會有頭痛、喉嚨痛、肌肉痛的症狀,2~4天後出現麻痺現象,麻痺的程度會因人而異,其中以腿部最為常見。控制小兒麻痺的疫苗有2,一為口服活性減毒疫苗,又稱沙賓疫苗;一為不活動性病毒疫苗,又稱沙克疫苗。沙克疫苗:採用注射接種,在接受4次的沙克疫苗,即可使95%之接種者產生免疫力,由流行病學的研究看來,沙克疫苗雖然減少小兒麻痺的流行,但接受此種疫苗注射後,仍有機會感染流行性小兒麻痺病毒。沙賓疫苗:口服沙賓疫苗,初步接種三次,對於95%以上的接種者均可產生較長的免疫力,大多數在接受一次劑量之後,即可產生保護力。沙賓疫苗主要的益處為:經口服用比注射方便且容易接受、產生分泌性免疫球蛋白A,容易產生腸道的抗抵力、抗原性強,服用一次即產生免疫反應、極易有效控制小兒麻痺的流行、疫苗的安全及效力己廣泛的使用證實。 參考資料:


Condition characterized by excessive fluid intake 劇渴:一種過度吸收液體的情況。 補充:原發性劇渴會造成低血鈉。而正常人的血鈉值約為135-145 mEq/L,若是慢性低血鈉或血鈉下降的速度及幅度不太大,患者可能會沒有感覺或只感到噁心及身體虛弱而已。它的症狀主要是在神經學方面逐漸進行,如:頭痛、昏睡、神智不清、感覺遲鈍....等等。當血鈉快速下降到120 mEq/L以下,或下降得太快,病人則會產生身體麻痺、癲癇、甚至於昏迷的嚴重症狀,此時應盡速就醫。 Poly- :有很多的意思


Condition characterized by excessive discharge of urine 多尿症:一種過度排尿的情況 補充:是指在一定時間內,所排出的尿量比一般高。如果飲水量為2000毫升,正常人的尿量介於800毫升~2000毫升。如果所排出的尿量在一天內高於2500毫升,便是多尿症


Pontine nuclei

Nuclei clusters that mediate cortical projections to the cerebellar cortex. 橋腦核(為大腦皮質與小腦傳導中間站):一個核團用來調節皮層的投射到小腦皮質 The pontine nuclei are a part of the pons which store the memory of intention during motor activity. Corticopontine fibres carry information from the primary motor cortex to the ipsilateral pontine nucleus in the ventral pons, and the pontocerebellar projection then carries that information to the contralateral cerebellum via the middle cerebellar peduncle.

Pontine pneumotaxic center

Automatic brainstem respiratory center consisting of several groups of scattered neurons in the reticular formation. 橋腦調節呼吸頻率中心:腦幹的自動呼吸中心由許多網狀結構的散亂神經組所組成

Pontine tegmentum

Pontine area located below the fourth ventricle 橋腦蓋膜:橋腦的區域位於第四個腦室的下面

Pontocerebellar fibers

Fibers arising from nuclei of the basilar pons and crossing to project to the cerebellum via the middle cerebellar peduncle. 橋腦小腦連結纖維:纖維從橋腦的基底核話越連結到小腦道中間的小腦柄產生

Portal system

Low-pressure vascular system that carries hypothalamic hormones to the anterior pituitary gland (adenohypophysis) 肝門系統:低壓的血管系統挟帶著下視丘荷爾蒙到前腦垂腺體(腦下垂體腺性部)

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